Friday, July 28, 2017

Indulgences were for WHAT?

Tell us, how was this wickedness?
Judges 20:3
"Leo X, a man famous for the encouragement of letters and the fine arts, ....He was a Florentine of
the illustrious house of the Medici, and inherited the elegant taste and munificent spirit of that family. He was elected pope in the thirty seventh year of his age.

Leo X, after he had presided almost five years, having reduced himself to straits by his prodigal expenses of various kinds, and being desirous to complete the erection of St. Peter's church, begun at Rome by his predecessor Julius II. after his example had recourse to the sale of indulgences,.... These he published throughout the Christian world, granting freely to all, who would pay money for the building of St. Peter's Church, tlie license of eating eggs and cheese in the time of lent."
The History of the Church of Christ Volume 4 Ch.2, Joseph Milner