Wednesday, July 26, 2017

IN the NEWS - Grab Your Toolkit?

"An advisory council within the Minnesota Department of Education has voted in favor of implementing a new transgender "toolkit" that instructs public and charter schools to "segregate"
students who object to sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with transgender students of the opposite biological sex.
The Minnesota Department of Education's School Safety Technical Assistance Council voted last Wednesday to give schools formal guidance through the creation of a document called "A Toolkit for Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students."
The purpose of the so-called toolkit is to provide formal guidance to schools and administrators on how to create inclusive environments for children who identify as members of the opposite sex.
According to a 10-page draft document, the toolkit spans topics such as school policies, name and pronoun use, bathrooms and shower use, hotel accommodations and even prom and homecoming queens and kings." CP
This their way is their folly:
Psalm 49:13