Saturday, July 1, 2017

IN the NEWS - 2 stories Illustrate state of America

 So you can't post the 10 Commandments on government property but the government can use tax dollars to install a gay rainbow crosswalk on public property?

"Less than a day after a monument of the Ten Commandments was installed outside the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock, it was destroyed when a man smashed a car into the stone.
Authorities say Michael T. Reed II drove a 2016 Dodge Dart into the 6,000-pound granite slab at about 4:47 a.m. local time on Wednesday.
A video that appears to have been taken from inside the car was posted on the Facebook account of a Michael Reed early Wednesday; Powell told the AP that officials believe the video is authentic. It shows what looks like the Arkansas State Capitol building. A man's voice says: "Oh my goodness. Freedom!" as the car careens into the monument.
 The Ten Commandments were erected Tuesday morning, and the ACLU of Arkansas has said it will sue for the monument's removal." NPR

"The rainbow crosswalk first appeared in 2015, but crews removed them after the gay pride festivities.
Now, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has signed off on their permanent
This intersection in midtown is recognized for its history as a hub for Atlanta's LGBTQ community.

"It is fitting that such an important and recognizable place should feature the rainbow flag," Reed said.
Back in May, more than 20,000 people signed on in support, which is more than past efforts yielded.
That support included the Atlanta City Council President Caesar Mitchell, who is also running for mayor.
"It'll be a good addition. I think it's artistic and supportive of the people in the community," resident Lori Browne said." AM750
Notwithstanding they would not hear,
but hardened their necks,...that did not believe in the LORD their God.
2 Kings 17:14