Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Creation Moment 7/5/2017 - Genetic Variation

Microevolution, better known as GENETIC VARIATION WITHIN A KIND, is based on pre-programmed information and can lead to differentiation within a kind or population.
Below is an example from Italy.
EVIDENCE of the built in VARIATION of God-part of the BLOOMING ROSE OF CREATION that gives us different shapes, sizes & colors...P.S.-"micro" evolution is NOT "macro" evolution where people think one "kind" changes into another-like a fish into a mammal...

"Forensic techniques that are used to solve modern homicide cases helped American anthropologists reveal family resemblances in 2,000-year-old skulls from the Roman Empire. The study used a statistical technique known as geometric morphometrics to identify similarities in skulls from three Italian graveyards dating from between the first and third centuries A.D., when the Roman Empire was at its height. Precise three-dimensional measurements of dozens of skulls from two of the graveyards showed distinct regional differences, which the researchers interpreted as a sign of a common ancestry among many people in those regions.

*One of the graveyards chosen for the study is located on Isola Sacra, a tiny island in what's now
central Italy southwest of Rome, which was a burial place for mainly middle-class people during the Roman Empire.
*Another was at Velia, on the southwestern Italian coast, where the researchers expected to see traces of ancestry from Greeks who colonized that region after the eighth century B.C., before Rome grew from a small city-state to take over the rest of the region Italy occupies today.
*The third graveyard in the study was at Castel Malnome, on the outskirts of the city of Rome, which was mainly a burial ground for lower-class laborers who worked in salt mines in that area. "So there you had this group near Rome of lower-class heavy laborers — freed slaves, war veterans and others — who could come from anywhere across the Roman Empire," Hens said. "And indeed, we could not differentiate them from either of the other two sites, which implies there's a lot of variation among the different people buried together there."

"If a group grows in an area for a long time, they're going to have slight regional distinctions, and then if another group comes to the area or some leave, then you can see these populations change a little bit," she added. "So this is a way to trace population movements."

Hens noted that although the Roman Empire had assimilated the Greek population on Italy's southern coast by the third century B.C., the local people still showed distinct local characteristics during the height of the Roman Empire many hundreds of years later. "The 'Romanization' of Italy did not change the genetic relationship of the conquered population — [the Romans] took over the government and the economy, but they did not really take over the people in a biological fashion," Hens said." LiveScience
 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,...
 Genesis 9:1