Friday, June 2, 2017

SDA Issues - Adventist Today goes "Belial"

Like they say- "There isn't much that's Adventist at Adventist Today"...this article below from THEIR website is an example of how true that cliché about them is....(for those unfamiliar with Adventist Today, it is Spectrum Magazine lite, started by Ray Cottrell in the 90's with the specific purpose of removing the Sanctuary Doctrine from the Church and introducing evolution into Adventism).
--The below article is an attempt to push the poison of pluralism onto weak minded brethren & sisters.
"I’ve been an Adventist for twenty three years. As a late arrival, in my fifties, I brought other fields of study and attainment with me. When I was young, I realized the oneness of life, through the study of all religions, including Rosecrutionism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Rastafarianism and Scientology. All lead to 
Apparently this must symbolize the new motto
over at so-called Adventist Today
...what an embarrassment to Adventism...
God in their essence, whether we use a human name or  don’t even try.  Every human is a part of one great, timeless life.
Jesus taught love not exclusion. His message is to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
I does not matter what religion we are, or our name for God. What matters is that we love and respect everyone. We cannot say “I love you, but the religion that formed your culture and made you as you are, is all wrong and has to go.” That is the ultimate invalidation. I would rather be come known as the loving, accepting Seventh-day Adventists, rather than the closed-minded people most of us are. Our love will attract more members than a glib speaker who can prove that our way is the only way, with clever use of Bible quotes.
I have a dear friend, Rohan, who is a Sikh. It’s wonderful, peaceful religion. I thought it would be interesting for my church family to meet him and learn how close we are philosophically. (That idea was not welcomed, and my emails are not answered.) Is it such a stretch of the imagination that our unlimited God has more than one way of communicating truth? Knowing Rohan’s religion has made the words of Jesus more understandable for me. We are to love and live in peace with all people. That truth permeates all the great religions." AdventistToday
When the above writer, playing the part literally of the minion of the opponent of God here on the space fabric of time, says "Our love will attract more members"....ATTRACT TO WHAT? TO WHOM? Since his pluralism denies the one true God and accepts the many supposed different paths to God...Their "god/s"is not/are not the God of the Bible....this article from Adventist Today has got to be a new low for them...(btw, notice this dude that wrote the piece also accepts Scientology!...what?!?!....somebody please change their name from Adventist Today to something else so as to stop embarrassing the Church)
Certain men, the children of Belial,
are gone out from among you,
and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city,
Let us go and serve other gods,
which ye have not known;
Deuteronomy 13:13