Monday, June 12, 2017

Sabbath or Sunday?: 10 Reasons SERIES #4

4. Sunday cannot be the Lord’s Day because the seventh day
Sabbath was kept more than 1700 times by Jesus when He was in the world. He died on Friday, Luke 23:46, 54, commonly called Good Friday today; and rested in the tomb on the seventh day Sabbath, Luke 23:55, 56, from His work of redemption, just as He rested from His creative work on the seventh day of creation, Genesis 2:2. It is true He rose on Sunday, the first day of the week, Luke 24:1, commonly called Easter Sunday today. But no word from Jesus about changing the Ten Commandments. If He is our example in all things, we need to be keeping His day holy as He commanded. John 14:15If ye love me, keep my commandments.”