Saturday, June 10, 2017

Sabbath or Sunday?: 10 Reasons SERIES #2

2. Sunday cannot be the Lord’s Day because in order for Sunday-keeping to be in the New Covenant, Jesus Himself would have to have made that change prior to His death.

Jesus did institute three things that did become part of the New Covenant:
1. Baptism;
2. Foot washing and
3. The communion service, which replaced Passover.
Just as the Old Covenant was ratified with the blood of an ox, so the New Covenant was ratified with the blood of Christ on the cross. Nothing can be added to the Testament with the death of the Testator. Therefore Sunday would be two days too late as far as being part of the New Covenant.
For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. Hebrews 9:17