Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Papal Notes - But Out Francis!

Since when does the POPE run American foreign policy? WHO CARES what Francis has to say? And why does the Pope take the side of a brutal Marxist DICTATORSHIP in Cuba?

"U.S. President Donald Trump may be poised to create new tensions with Pope Francis.
According to media reports, Trump will travel to Miami on Friday to announce a partial rollback of the opening to Cuba that was a cornerstone of the Obama administration’s foreign policy, among other things reinstating tighter restrictions on trade and travel. The setting is carefully chosen, as 
You know, Francis can't claim to be offended when accused
of Marxist sympathies--then pull PR stunts like this one
pictured above....when you pay homage to Marxist leaders
it's a good chance you harbor sympathies.....
Miami remains a stronghold of Cuban exiles and anti-Castro dissidents.

The move likely will be justified on human rights and pro-democracy grounds. Aides caution, however, that the president has yet to make a final decision on Cuba, and plans for the announcement could still change.
Shortly after taking office, Trump ordered his national security team to undertake a review of American policy on Cuba with an eye towards undoing some of the openings under Obama, and is expected to package his announcement on Friday as a “promise kept.”
Assuming the president follows through, it’s unlikely to go down well with Francis.
When a restoration of relations between the United States and Cuba was announced in December 2014, both U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban leader Raúl Castro thanked Pope Francis for the role he played in creating lines of communication, after writing both men to appeal for dialogue.
The letter from Pope Francisgave us greater impetus and momentum for us to move forward,” a White House official said at the time.
In October 2014, the Vatican hosted confidential negotiations between the two sides that helped pave the way for an agreement.
Francis later visited Cuba in September 2015, immediately prior to arriving in the United States, a bit of scheduling widely seen as his way of affirming the opening between the two nations and encouraging the process to continue.
Francis said in a speech on the tarmac of Jose Marti International Airport ...I urge political leaders
to persevere on this path and to develop all its potentialities as a proof of the high service which they are called to carry out on behalf of the peace and well-being of their peoples, of all America, and as an example of reconciliation for the entire world,” he said.
Francis’s top aide, Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, said on that trip the Vatican hoped the restored diplomatic relations would soon be followed by lifting the U.S.-imposed trade embargo on Cuba, which is the world’s longest-running such ban.
Given all that, it’s likely the Vatican under Pope Francis will not view a rollback on U.S./Cuban détente in positive terms." CRUX
I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.
Isaiah 10:12