Sunday, June 18, 2017

Papal Notes - Germany Bends the Knee

"Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met for the sixth time at the Vatican today, June 17. They agreed on the need to counteract several of the major problems facing the world today: poverty, hunger, the global threat of terrorism and climate change.
Ms. Merkel is likely to emphasize that global responsibility when she presides over the G-20 meeting, July 7 to 8.
Ms. Merkel expressed her frustration at President Trump’s failure to affirm the United States’ commitment to the Paris accord, and when he followed up by announcing that the United States would leave the accord, she did not mince her
words. She called his decision “deeply regrettable, and by that I am really measuring myself.” She then told reporters: “We need this Paris accord to preserve our creation. Nothing can and will stop us.” America
.............and all the world wondered after the beast...
Revelation 13:3