Monday, June 5, 2017

Papal Notes - Francis' SCARY Rally

Pay close attention to what is below---it is just like the predictions you have heard about of how things will come about in spiritual Babylon in the endtime...

"Addressing one of his favorite topics, Pope Francis spoke energetically over Pentecost weekend to huge crowds at the Circus Maximus and at St. Peter’s Square of the creative power of the Holy Spirit to unify through diversity, while bringing peace, joy and courage.
Following three hours of high-octane praise and testimonies in many languages under a hot sky, Francis arrived at the Circus Maximus before 6 pm on Saturday to the strains of the Latin-American charismatic classic Vive Jesús El Señor.

He was there to mark the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), which held four days of meetings in Rome last week.
Under a huge banner declaring ‘Jesus Is Lord,’ Francis was flanked on stage throughout by two laywomen: Michelle Moran, president of the renewal’s Rome-based office, the ICCRS, and Patti Gallagher Mansfield, a speaker and theologian who was one of the original group in 1967 to receive the baptism of the spirit.

Francis had told the CCR that he had wanted the celebrations to be ecumenical and to focus on the Spirit’s call to the Churches to come together as one.
During one of the praise sessions, while the band sang ‘How Great is Our God,’ the pope stood with his hands outstretched and eyes closed, mouthing words if not exactly singing, while next to him the two women fell on their knees and prayed in tongues.

Referring to the renewal’s distinctive evangelical-style worship, the pope described ‘praise’ as “the prayer of recognition and action of grace for the gratuitous love of God.” It may not be to everyone’s liking, he added, but “it is true that it fully belongs in the Biblical tradition,” and warned against
Michal’s disapproval of King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant in the second Book of Samuel.

Francis hit many of his favorite themes when speaking of Christian unity: the call to a “reconciled diversity” by proclaiming together the Lordship of Christ despite inter-confessional differences; the way that the charismatic renewal was “born ecumenical”; and the witness to an “ecumenism of blood being given across the world, as Christians of all denominations were murdered by killers who made no distinction between Catholics and Lutherans, Orthodox and Protestant.
Father Raniero Cantalamessa, likened the divisions in the Christian Church to the construction of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis - using God’s name to justify different churches claiming superiority over the others." CRUX
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Revelation 13:6