Friday, June 23, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Indicted by the Feds

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There appears to be an "indictment" on the Streets of Babylon by the Feds....

"Todd Coontz, a prosperity pimp out of Charlotte, NC with ties to Benny Hinn and other major
religious financial frauds is the founder of Rock Wealth Ministries International and author of Please Don’t Repo My Car. He was recently indicted on several federal charges, including three counts of failing to pay taxes and four counts of falsifying tax returns according to the Charlotte Observer.

William Todd Coontz enjoyed a life of luxury, federal prosecutors contend, by claiming as business expenses the $1.5 million condo he and his family lived in as their parsonage and the luxury vehicles they drove, including three BMWs, two Ferraris, a Maserati and a Land Rover.
As of this writing, his Twitter account is still live, although the recent videos of him asking for money appear to be removed." Pulpit&Pen