Thursday, June 1, 2017

Job Simplified- Chapter 6

Chapter 6

What is my strength, that I should hope?
and what is mine end, that I should prolong my life?
Job 6:11
Job replies to Eliphaz’s first speech
Job is very sad

v1 But Job said:
v2 I am so sad. My sad feelings seem like a terrible weight. v3 And that weight feels heavier than all the sand at the seaside. So, forgive me if I spoke too soon.
v4 I feel as if God shot me with arrows. There is poison on the arrows. And the poison enters my spirit. God has caused me many troubles. v5 I do not complain without a reason. You do not hear an animal’s call (noise) when that animal has enough food. v6 But food does not help me. You can put salt on food that has no flavor. v7 But I cannot accept this food. It makes me sick.

Verse 1
In chapter 3, Job described his feelings. Eliphaz’s explanation in chapters 4-5 was too simple. So, Job spoke again.
Verses 2-3
A heavy weight is a great strain for the person who must carry it. And Job’s troubles were a terrible strain for Job. Job spoke because of this strain. And Job was not sure that his words were correct.
Verse 4
Job thought that God caused Job’s troubles. Job did not realize that the devil caused these troubles.
Verses 5-7
A farm animal might be noisy when it needs food.
Such an animal is complaining because it is hungry.
When Job spoke, he too made a noise.
When he spoke, Job was complaining like the hungry animal.
But Job was not hungry. He was ill. And if he ate food, he was sick.
Job prays to God
v8 So, I pray to God. And this is my prayer. v9 I pray that God will allow me to die. v10 If so, I would be glad, although my pain was great. I would be glad because I did not deny the words of God.
v11 I have no strength. So, I am hopeless. And I have no hopes for the future. v12 I am not strong, like metal or a stone. v13 I am unable to help myself, because I cannot succeed.
Verses 8-9
Job was weak. Both his body and his spirit were weak (see verse 12). Job felt as if he could not even control his own words (verse 3, verse 5). So, Job prayed a sad prayer. He prayed that he would die.
Verse 10
Job did not want to die because of his pain. He totally trusted God to do the right things (Job 1:21).
In fact,
Job wanted to die because he was afraid about his own words. Job did not want to insult God (Job 2:9-10).
We should always respect God.
We should be careful with our words (James 3:2-12).
Verses 11-13
Job explained that his body and his spirit were weak. Job used to be a great man, whom everybody respected (Job 1:3; Job 29:1-10; Job 29:21-25). He was a leader of his people. But now, Job needed help. And his friends were not helping him.
Job cannot trust his friends
v14 When a man has many troubles, his friends should support that man. They should even help a man who does not respect God.
v15 You are like brothers to me. But I cannot trust you. You are like streams that are dry in hot
weather. v16 When ice and snow melt, these streams are full. v17 But when the weather is dry, these streams are empty. The weather is hot, and there is no water.
v18 People who trust these streams are in danger. People leave the roads to find the stream. These people wander. And they will die (because they cannot find any water). v19 Merchants travel from distant countries. They search for the water. v20 They are confident until they arrive at the stream. But they are sad when they cannot find any water.
v21 You are like those streams. You cannot help me. You have seen my troubles. But you are afraid.
v22 But I have not asked you to help me. I have not requested your money. v23 I have not asked you to rescue me from my enemy. And I have not asked you to save me from a cruel man.
v24 If you teach me, I will be quiet. Tell me, if I am wrong. v25 If your words are honest, then your words might upset me. But your speeches prove nothing. v26 Perhaps you just want to argue with me. You see that my situation is hopeless. So perhaps you think that my words mean nothing, like the sound of the wind. v27 You do not even care about a child who has no father. You prefer to play games than to help your friend.
v28 But now, be kind to me! Look at me! I do not lie to you. v29 Be fair! Think about these matters again. I am an innocent man. v30 My words are not wicked. I know the difference between right deeds and wrong deeds.
Verse 14
We ought to support someone who suffers (Galatians 6:2). We should help everyone who needs our help (Matthew 25:34-45). We should sympathize with them. But Job’s friends did not do this. These friends were close friends. Job thought that they were like brothers to him (verse 15).
Verses 15-21
There are some streams that travelers can always trust.
The water is always plentiful, even in the driest weather.
When the travelers arrive at these streams, there is water for them.
And there is water for their animals.
But there are other streams that travelers should not trust.
These streams might seem good.
During many months, such streams are full of water.
But these streams are dangerous.
In the driest weather, there is no water.
Men might travel far to reach these streams.
But the stream is dry.
And the men will die, because they are too tired to travel further.
Job’s friends seemed like those dry streams.
When Job’s life was good, his friends were good friends.
But when Job had troubles, they could not help him.
When Job needed their help (verse 13), they did not support him.
Verses 22-23
They were too late. Job’s trouble had already happened before they arrived.
Verses 24-27
Job thought that his friends were not sincere. Perhaps they wanted to argue. Perhaps they enjoyed their conversation. Perhaps they were playing games with their words.
But Job was not playing games.
Verses 28-30
Job said that he was innocent. He did not pretend that he was perfect (Job 31:33). But Job was a genuine servant of God (Job 1:8). Job respected God. And he refused to do evil deeds. But Job’s friends did not believe this (Job chapter 22).
Keith Simons