Monday, June 26, 2017

IN the NEWS - "Shutoff Sundays" (Katy Perry)

"Katy Perry said she’d be taking time to recharge in the near future and wanted to unplug, “I’m going
to try and stay off my phone a little bit.”
She and Huffington talked about the need to grant ourselves permission for something like recharging, coining the movement, “Shutoff Sundays,” a day to unplug, recharge and take a break from your devices.
Just give yourself the weekend. You can give yourself one day,” Perry said. “That’s something I have wanted to do, and I’ve been so addicted to my phone. I keep on talking the talk and I really want to walk the walk.”
Huffington agreed, “It’s a day to basically be with yourself, be with your loved ones,” she said. “Read a book, a real book, not on screens.”
So why Sunday?
“You’re going to have to pick a day for yourself,” Perry said. But for me that’s Sunday, and it feels very holy in a way.” Thrive
We already were give a day to recharge....But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, .. Exodus 20:10