Thursday, June 29, 2017


".....the chaplain of the Senate, Barry Black.  For those who were not heretofore familiar with Barry
Black, they were introduced to him at the 65th National Prayer breakfast held February 2, 2017, in which he was the keynote speaker, addressing the newly-elected U.S. President, Donald Trump,...Mr. Trump who stated: “‘I don't know if you're a Democrat or a Republican, but you're appointed for another year.Then realizing Chaplain was Senate's appointment, amidst obvious bi-partisan approval he noted that Chaplain Black had job security either way.Unbeknownst to some, Barry Black also happens to be a Seventh-day Adventist

....the chaplain of the House of Representatives,....The Houses chaplain is Patrick J. Conroy, a Jesuit. Since the election of a Jesuit Pope, Jesuitism is making its way to the mainstream ... The NewsWeek headline sums it up quite well, With their first Pope, Jesuits are making a comeback." ProphesyAgain
But beware of men:
Matthew 10:17