Thursday, June 8, 2017

IN the NEWS - Islamic / Papal Id al–Fitr?

They know not, neither will they understand;
they walk on in darkness:
all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
Psalm 82:5
For crying out loud--LITERALLY--are they serious?....take the statements below that the Vatican issued to Islam for their holy month of, what would be considered within Christian rhetoric, as pagan.
Now picture Paul sending the below statement to the Greeks of Athens, written the exact same, but referring to their  Dionysia (paganistic festival to honor the god Dionysus). Do you really think Paul would write this and send it to them?........NO!!!!!
BTW--notice that this years Id al–Fitr is drawing from the Pope's green encyclical ....hmmm...
"For the Islamic Month of Ramadan and the feast of ‘Id al–Fitr, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has published a message to Muslims entitled “Christians and Muslims: Caring for our Common Home."

In the message, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the President of the Counci (PCID), offers best wishes to Muslims and "prayerful solidarity during this time of fasting in the month of Ramadan and the celebration of ‘Id al
–Fitr that concludes it."

***The PCID points out that this year it is drawing from Pope Francis' encyclical "Caring for our Common Home", which it notes is addressed to the whole of humanity.***

Pope Francis, Cardinal Tauran says, "draws attention to the harm our lifestyles and decisions are causing to the environment, to ourselves and to our fellow human beings".
The greeting goes on to say that "as believers, our relationship with God should be increasingly
shown in the way we relate to the world around us. Our vocation to be guardians of God’s handiwork is not optional, nor it is tangential to our religious commitment as Christians and Muslims: it is an essential part of it."

The Cardinal concludes with, "May the religious insights and blessings that flow from fasting, prayer and good works sustain you, with God’s help, on the path of peace and goodness, to care for all the members of the human family and for the whole of creation."

The month of Ramadan concludes with celebration of ‘Id al–Fitr on June 25th." VaticanRadio