Wednesday, June 7, 2017

IN the News - Drag Queens target Children

By Dr. Michael Brown-
"....parent from Bloomington, Indiana wrote to me, saying, "Our local library always has a summer reading program for children." Included was a link with this announcement for parents of children ages 2-6: "Learn about someone new! Local drag queens present stories and encourage us all to embrace our uniqueness." Yes, for children ages 2-6!
This is perverse and outrageous: "Parents, bring your toddlers and little children to the library where local homosexual men who dress up as flamboyant women will read stories to them." Here come the
drag queens!
But it gets even worse. Much worse.
As Todd Starnes reports, "Parents are furious after children as young as 5-years-old were exposed to an erotic drag show performance at what was supposed to be a school district talent show."
How bad was it?
Take a moment to read some excerpts from the article:
"The New York Daily News described the lewd performance as 'complete with gyrations, tongue gymnastics and a flashed G-string.'" (If this seems vulgar to read—and it is—can you imagine being there with your little kids?)
"The May 25th performance shocked and enraged parents who could not believe the school district would allow a grown man to spread his legs and display his crotch to wide-eyed children."
One parent "filmed the seven-minute routine on her cell phone and provided me with a copy. It's jaw-dropping, folks. And when the drag queen dropped to the floor and began writhing in a sexually-suggestive manner, the auditorium erupted."
Did you get that? This perverse performance was 7 minutes long. In front of 5-year-olds. I'm shocked some parents didn't walk right up to the stage and shut the whole thing down.
And what happened when this drag queen started writhing on the floor in a sexually-suggestive manor?
"Once he got to that part it was chaos," parent Raquel Morales said. "People were yelling and leaving. A lot of parents were saying had they known this was going to happen they would have taken their kids out after they had performed." I would hope so. This is absolute madness.
And how did such a degraded performance take place at all?
"The talent show was emceed by District 4 Superintendent Alexandra Estrella. And the individual who performed in drag was identified as the president of the Public School 96 Parent Association."
This is sick, and this man needs serious help. If you're offended by my saying this, be offended. Truth is sometimes offensive. The district superintendent needs serious help too. How can these people be trusted with such positions of authority?"
And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns,
which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion.
Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning
of the eternal fire of God’s judgment.
Jude 1:7 NLT