Tuesday, June 13, 2017

IN the NEWS - Dead Christianity on display in Illinois

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires,
they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say
what their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3 NIV

"A regional body of the United Methodist Church has ordained a transgender individual who does not identify as male or female to the position of provisional deacon.
The Northern Illinois Conference commissioned M Barclay, who serves as director of communications for the pro-LGBT advocacy group Reconciling Ministries Network, as a provisional deacon on Sunday.
"For so long, I've longed to be a pastoral presence in the world — and certainly you can do that without a collar — but we have ordination for a reason, and part of that is that I can publicly identify as a pastor now," stated Barclay, as reported by United Methodist News Service.
"I know it's not particularly common in The United Methodist Church, but I intend to wear a collar every single day because for a person like me to navigate society in a collar provides some profound and urgently needed pastoral opportunities, particularly for queer and trans people."
Born Mary Ann Kaiser, Barclay first gained headlines in 2013 when the Board of Ordained Ministry for Southwest Texas Annual Conference denied her clergy candidacy for being in a gay relationship.
In late 2014, Barclay announced that she was undergoing a "gender transition" and began to use the plural pronouns of "they" and "their" instead of "she" and "her."
The Northern Illinois Conference is one of a few regional bodies within the UMC to openly defy the denomination's official position against the ordination of openly LGBT clergy." CP