Wednesday, June 28, 2017

IN the NEWS - Christians Slip Down Under

...they have erred from the faith,... 1 Timothy 6:10

"Tuesday, revealed major changes to Australian society, such as a rise in the number of people who say they have no religion, ...

As BBC News noted, close to one third, or 29.6 percent of respondents to the national survey said that they had "no religion," while only 16 percent said the same in 2001.
Roman Catholicism remained the largest Church in the country, with a 22.6 percent share of the population.
Anglicans followed with 13.3 percent, while the rest were listed as: none stated (9.6 percent), the Uniting Church (3.7 percent), Muslim (2.6 percent), Buddhist (2.4 percent), Hindu (1.9 percent), Other (0.8 percent), Sikh (0.5 percent) and Jewish (0.4 percent).
The Guardian reported that the "no religion" category includes atheist, secularists, and those who are agnostic.
What is more, since 1966, the proportion of Australians who self-identified as Christians has fallen from 88.2 percent to 52.1 percent now." BCN