Saturday, June 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - Canada slips into Totalitarianism

See, this secular leftwing radical nonsense is the type of thing, that when natural disasters really heat up, that clergy can point to that God is angry and we need to do something to appease Him, such as setting up a day to honor Him.
btw, it's clear they are coming after the Christians, led by pseudo-catholic Trudeau, who just recently met with Pope Francis...but since both are morally bankrupt, well what did you expect from Trudeau?
As government expands-LIBERTY they will start fining and probably jailing over the west continues to collapse into leftist put that mindset of their sacred cow of climate change, as an olive branch with Christians (in this case honoring a day to let mother earth rest) and you will have real persecution like we haven't seen in western culture since the holocaust...
BTW, isn't "anti-bias training", mandated by the government, the literal equivalent of indoctrination camps during the cold war? IF you hold an opinion different than the politicians in power they send you off to be taught what to yes, Canada is going down the path of indoctrination camps.... there is no difference.
And I will walk at liberty:
Psalm 119:45

"Canada’s Senate passed the Justin Trudeau Liberals’ transgender rights bill unamended this afternoon by a vote of 67 to 11, with
three abstentions.
The bill adds “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code’s hate crime section. With the Senate clearing the bill with no amendments, it requires only royal assent in the House of Commons to become law.
Critics warn that under Bill C-16, Canadians who deny gender theory could be charged with hate crimes, fined, jailed, and compelled to undergo anti-bias training.
Foremost among these critics is University of Toronto psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson, who along with lawyer D. Jared Brown, told the Senate committee that Bill C-16 is an unprecedented threat to freedom of expression and codifies a spurious ideology of gender identity in law." LifeSite