Thursday, June 29, 2017

Driving a Stake through them

 I saw the Lord standing upon the altar:
 and He said,
Smite the lintel of the door,
that the posts may shake:
Amos 9:1
The Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ DRIVES A STAKE THROUGH THE HEART OF SACRAMENTALISM (the idea that the sacraments of the church can save you-such as Mass, Last Rites, Confession, Indulgences, Penance, Intercession of the Saints) by showing that Christ is your only intercessor and thereby highlights the BLASPHEMY of man taking an intercessory role upon himself.

The Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ DRIVES A STAKE THROUGH THE HEART OF PREDESTINATION (the idea that you were Predestined before your birth to be saved or lost, thereby denying free will as a component) by shattering it to it's core-for if there is a literal Pre-Advent Judgment-then OBVIOUSLY you were not Predestined to be saved or lost, for a judgment would be a waste of time.

The Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ DRIVES A STAKE THROUGH THE HEART OF ONCE-SAVED-ALWAYS-SAVED by pointing out that if your name can be blotted out of the Book of Life- then ONCE-SAVED-ALWAYS-SAVED would be demonstrated to be a LIE.

 The Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ, as it relates to FREE WILL, would undermine the "Lutheran View" which is the notion that FREE WILL exists to all-but whether one can be lost after being saved is a mystery. It would no longer be a mystery. As to the total FREE WILL of ARMINIANISM the Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ serves as an anchor via the SDA view of TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH (Justification/Grace/Outer Court + Sanctification/Obedience/Inner Court = being prepared for your Judgment in the Most Holy Place & receiving Glorification if one passes their Judgment) by making sense of ARMINIANISM in the context of this GREAT CONTROVERSY between God & His opponent.

The Sanctuary Doctrine/IJ DRIVES A STAKE THROUGH THE HEART OF UNIVERSALISM (the idea that everyone universally will be saved-from Hitler to mother Teresa-which makes a Judgment pointless) by shining the light on it and exposing it as the most dangerous soteriology.
As for it's watered down form-PLURALISM (the idea that many paths lead to the Christian God, such as being a faithful good Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Neo-Pagan, etc.) it points to only one door into the Sanctuary of Salvation- I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,... I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 10:9/John 14:6

Doug Batchelor Sermon:  Predestination, Free Will & Security  
Stephen Bohr Sermon: Chronology of the Judgment
Walter Veith Sermon: The Sanctuary Doctrine
Clifford Goldstein Sermon: The Judgment & Daniel 8
Ivor Meyers Sermon: The SANCTUARY
Dennis Priebe Sermon: The Judgment
Austin P. Cooke Sermon: Defending the Sanctuary Doctrine
Steve Wohlberg Sermon: The Sanctuary Outlay
Dwayne Lemon Sermon: The Sanctuary & Salvation
Randy Skeete Sermon: Salvation & the Sanctuary
"*The sanctuary in heaven is the very center of Christ's work in behalf of men.
*It concerns every soul living upon the earth.

*It opens to view the plan of redemption, bringing us down to the very close of time, and revealing the triumphant issue of the contest between righteousness and sin.
*It is of the utmost importance that all should thoroughly investigate these subjects, and be able to give an answer to every one that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them."
The Great Controversy p. 488, 489 E.G.W.