Thursday, June 22, 2017

Catholicism using Mary to appeal to Islam

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
Revelation 13:4

From a Catholic website about finding common ground with Isalm & Mary....
"... here are five things to know about Mary and Muslims:
  • Mary is one of the two most important women in Islam. Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet and wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib, is probably the most important female figure in the Islamic consciousness. Fatimah is given the title “al-Zahrā,” the illustrious. Mary, however, is the dominant female figure in the Qur’an.
  • The content of the Surat Maryam, “The Chapter on Mary,” forms the 19th Chapter of the Qur’an. In this chapter there is an account of an annunciation to Mary (vs. 18-23). There are points of similarity with the Lukan annunciation narrative: an angel is sent by God to Mary to announce that she will have a son, and she responds in the same way as she does in Luke’s Gospel.
  • While the son of Mary in the Qur’an is most definitely not divine, the Qur’an stresses that he was conceived without human agency (vs. 21-22) and that his mother remained a virgin (21:92 and 66:13). In 21:92 we read “And remember her who preserved her virginity; so we {i.e. God} breathed into her of our word and we made her and her son a Sign for the peoples.”
  • When some of the early Muslims fled persecution in Mecca in 615, they fled to the king (negus) of Abyssinia (modern Ethiopia), which was a Christian kingdom. When the king asked them for an account of this new faith (Islam), Ja’far ibn Abi Talib recited Qur’an 19:16-21
    about Mary. The king recognized that it was similar to Christianity and offered the Muslims asylum.
  • In several places in the Middle East—Lebanon and Ephesus, Turkey— Christian shrines to Mary are often frequented by Muslim pilgrims. Although this is severely frowned upon by the salafi/Wahhabi strain of Sunni Islam, which is the official form of Islam in Saudi Arabia, the practice does not seem to have abated, especially in places where it has deep and ancient roots." Aleteia