Monday, May 22, 2017

The Excellent Woman of Proverbs 31 Series: vs.14

*From The Excellent Woman of Proverbs 31 written in 1847 by Anne Pratt (1806-1893)

Proverbs 31:14

The merchants' ships, in king Solomon's days, might, indeed, be said to bring their cargoes from afar.

The Phoenicians, who resided on the north‐west of Palestine, are known to have had a commercial settlement, called Tartessus, on the Atlantic coast of Spain, near to the modern Cadiz; and whatever may be the various opinions respecting the situation of ancient Ophir, there is little doubt that this port was the Tharshish of the Scriptures. In the imperfect state of navigation, the voyages, performed as they were in small and ill‐constructed vessels, would seem to the Israelites "afar" indeed, and attended with very considerable peril. But as food rather than other merchandise seems alluded to in the text, it is probable that the ships which brought corn from Egypt are here referred to.

The Jewish matron, whose various kinds of manufacture are so specifically named, would have much to offer in exchange either for corn or other commodities, which the merchants' ships convey. Garments, made of fine wool or of hair stuffs; gorgeous tapestry wrought by her own hands; fine linen girdles-all were suitable objects of barter; and the rich clusters of grapes which her vineyard could furnish, and the well‐dried flax from her fields, constituted a store, from which something might be well spared..... would render the barter of them a very likely and considerable source of profit, and this would enable this Jewish lady, whose intelligent and well‐devoted industry is so often commended, to procure for her family some of those enjoyments from afar, which the home produce would not supply.