Thursday, May 4, 2017

SDA Issues - Running to NBC

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:1

"In the ongoing fiasco surrounding Alicia Johnston, a formerly employed Seventh-day Adventist “pastor,” who came out as bi-sexual and then resigned, NBC News has picked up her story, giving her a wider platform to disseminate her faulty, soul-destroying theology that one can identify as a member of the LGBTQ community and not be in violation of the laws of God. The NBC article, under the headline “Adventist Pastor Resigns after coming out as Bi-sexual
reads: “Still, Johnston said the response to her video and her resignation from her church has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. ‘Many people have told me that they realize watching the video that I am truly joyful now, and there was always something missing before,’ she said. ‘They can see what an important shift this is for me, and they have chosen to be supportive of me and my new ministry instead of angry at the difficulty it has caused them. I am amazed by their love and grace.’"
This must be Alicia Johnston’s first step in what she calls her new “ministry,” namely bringing national attention to herself to garner sympathy for her story and those that can identify with it and to have a wider platform for her to teach the perverted gospel that LGBTQ individuals should not strive to overcome their lifestyle, because it is not possible for them to overcome their proclivities to and activities of homosexuality. It is apparent that is her objective to apply enough pressure to the  Seventh-day Adventist denomination to force them to accept the LGBTQ agenda. Make no mistake, Ms. Johnston is carrying forward ministry, but not the ministry of Christ; she is an evangelist for the anti-Christ. Consider the message being conveyed to the countless individuals that will come across her story through NBC News and other media outlets, who otherwise would never have encountered her video, especially for those who have known Seventh-day Adventists to be highly conservative students of the Bible, and even for those whose first exposure to Seventh-day Adventism will be these news reports. 
This story will cause individuals to ask pertinent questions of the Seventh-day Adventist leadership, which will demand answers.  Such questions as “Does the SDA leadership despise LGBT individuals?”  “Why was Alicia Johnston ‘forced’ to resign?”  “Would this not constitute discrimination, especially since the SDA church is a 501(c)(3) organization?” These questions from LGBTQ activists from the world, will add to the growing pressure already being applied by LGBT sympathizers within the denomination, for SDA leadership to accept their agenda. Alicia Johnston has indeed begun her new ministry.
Another inquiry that will likely be raised regarding discrimination would be, “Did Alicia
Johnston resign because she was being discriminated against as a woman?” And of course the follow-up question would be, “What is the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s position on the ordination of women as pastors?” It must be reiterated, Alicia Johnston has embarked upon her new ministry, and knows that if she is going to be successful, she must enlist the aid of LGBTQ activists from the world, along with women’s rights activists to push forward the agenda by applying this outside pressure. To further fulfill this mission, Alicia Johnston accepted  an interview with NBC regarding her "coming out" as a bisexual SDA Pastor. Ms. Johnston knew that this video would go viral and would put a spotlight and makes war on the SDA Church, its leaders and its biblical stance on the LGBTQ issue. This outside pressure might be an excuse used by some of the Seventh-day Adventist leaders to accept the agenda of the LGBTQ and Women's Ordination movement. 
Aside from NBC picking up her story, some gay websites such as Gaystar news and LGBTQ Nation, are also praising Ms. Johnston and running her story, along with other “Christian” websites, like The Christian Post, Religion News, and Renewed Heart Ministries among others, just “Google it.”  Alicia Johnston is very aggressive in her evangelistic campaign and has found friends and allies in high places, who carry a lot of influence in the world.  It is yet to be determined, how the SDA corporate leadership will respond.
Now is the time for God's people to show themselves true to principle. When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few--this will be our test.
At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others,
courage from their cowardice,
and loyalty from their treason.
The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader.”
Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, page 135, E.G.W."