Friday, May 12, 2017

SDA Issues - App of the "WALKING ABOUT" one

"Crystal Cheatham—writer, entrepreneur and Andrews grad—is working to create a hub for
"For Believers of All Stripes"?
progressive Christians who may have felt excluded and judged by more traditional spaces.

Question: The Our Bible App,  an app you are creating with devotionals, Bible translations and a forum, is set to launch in June. You describe your project as pro-women, LGBT-affirming, and social-justice oriented. When did you start this project?
Answer: I guess I started this idea in 2010 with the IDentity Kit Project. That was a resource to help queer Christian fundamentalist youth access information about gender identity and orientation.
Yeah, I modeled it after YouVersion’s Holy Bible App. It’s probably on your phone right now and the number one way you access the Bible in church and at home. Unfortunately, YouVersion shares the same values as Focus on the Family, and the Family Research Council (organizations that have been included on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups). In fact, they regularly publish devotionals written by those organizations. That’s why I created Our Bible App, because I couldn’t take the exclusionary theology anymore. 
Of course I’m looking for the right investor, but in the meantime folks can make personal donations online or they can buy a T-shirt of our mascot the Zebracorn. Go to the site and take a look because I love it. It reads, “For Believers of All Stripes.” Get it?
I’m culturally Adventist,.... I think 18 or 19-year-old Crystal Cheatham desperately needed this app. In my mind, the men who lead the church have become a sort of Pharaoh of the Old Testament, refusing to allow God’s word to touch them tenderly, the way that only He can in order to change hearts and minds. I will pray that they hear the ever closer chant ringing from the empty pews: “Let my people go.” 
Adventism was my first home, and I miss it dearly but you gotta know there is no such thing as loving the sinner and hating the sin. That’s what the church doctrines promote and is ultimately what drove me and so many others out. Adventists should reconsider number 23 of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs and include LGBT voices when they do. If you can find a way to incorporate the queer community in your doctrines, then you can truly practice what is preached about loving thy neighbor." CCV

Yes- when she says "In my mind.." truly all is in her mind, rather than in App designed to use Scripture to attempt to Undermine the teaching of Scripture...
Be sober, be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour:
1 Peter 5:8