Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Papal Notes - Them Gifts... Beware (seriously)

"Francis smiled faintly as he greeted Trump outside the study and
was not as outgoing as he sometimes is with visiting heads of state. Trump, seeming subdued, said "it is a great honor".
Even when the two were sitting at the pope's desk in the presence of photographers and reporters, the pope avoided the small talk that usually occurs before the media is ushered out.
Francis then gave the president a small sculptured olive tree and told him through the interpreter that it symbolized peace.
"It is my desire that you become an olive tree to construct peace," the Pope said, speaking in Spanish.

Trump responded: "We can use peace."
Francis also gave Trump a signed copy of his 2017 peace message whose title is "Nonviolence - A Style of Politics for Peace," and a copy of his 2015 encyclical letter on the need to protect the environment from the effects of climate change.
                                 "Well, I'll be reading them," Trump said." Reuters
......and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3