Tuesday, May 2, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Powell told to "Prophesy" by the Lord?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
 Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be this so-called charismatic False, self ordained "prophet" on the Streets of Babylon named Powell who claims God told him to prophesy about the "Russian Bride"....

"Elijah List publisher Steve Shultz said in a new posting to his website Monday...
Powell, in part, wrote:
I hear the Lord saying, over and over again, concerning His Russian Bride: "Prophesy, My son, to My Russian bride. Prophesy, My son, to the Russian church in this hour, and in this year. Say unto them that they are to recover the archive, they are to recover the lost record of God's
dealings with this nation that has gone before them, even before there was a communist doctrine ruling those lands."
The Lord says, "There were great moves of the Spirit in this place; great demonstrations of signs, wonders, miracles, and widespread evangelization of this place. I sent Phillip with power up to southwestern Russia for His day, even north above the Syrian desert, and the streams did flow with such force and such power in that place to the multiplying of the Gospel; to the spreading forth of My wings over that land with prosperity for all, and was Heaven on earth for a season," says the Lord.

"But lo, Satan has grievously sought to sift you, oh Russia, oh My Russian bride; but he shall not have you. I shall have you, and from your lands there will spring up a new thing, a new purpose,
a new goal, even nationally for the entire nation. For I, the Lord, hold the hearts of kings and presidents in My hand, and I shall turn their hearts for the Kingdom as you pray, fast, and seek My face for a fresh move of God, in Russia," says the Lord.
Powell went on to write that Russia shall undergo its own Great Awakening, much like the United States, in which the people will "throw off generational curses and burdens carried through the wars and tyranny of times past." This revival will be spurred by a "youth movement," which will have both strength and numbers to overcome the enemy.
He wrote, quoting the Lord:
Russia shall be reborn out of the blood of Jesus, changed by the power of the cross that stands for this nation. Behold, this nation shall pass through the cross, and the people shall go over on dry ground. Hear these words: the enemies that have pursued you into the sea to slaughter you on your way, they shall be routed in this season, as I come forth to display My glory and reveal My person in this land. Watch and see, watch and see. I, the Lord, have purposed to transform Russia. She will never be the same. Watch and see, watch and see." Charisma