Monday, May 1, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: "Clairvoyants" & the last Trump?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some "Clairvoyants" on the Streets of Babylon predicting the "Last Trump"...
"An alleged "clairvoyant" who claimed to have predicted the electoral victory of U.S. President Donald Trump last year has now come up with a new stunning prediction: the day an apocalyptic World War 3 would begin this year.
Horacio Villegas, who proclaims himself as a "supernatural being," told the Daily Star Online that Trump would become the "illuminati king" who will "bring the world into WW3."
Villegas, who lives in Texas, said he had predicted that Trump would attack Syria following the latter's attack using chemical weapons—two events that actually happened.
He predicted that the conflict would also suck in Russia, North Korea and China.
Recently, he said he had a "dream" in which he saw "balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth."
"People everywhere were running around trying to hide from this destruction," he said. "I believe these were symbolic of the nuclear missiles that will fall on cities and people throughout the world."
Villegas then made his grimmest forecast: World War 3 will erupt on May 13, 2017.
He also predicted that the war will "be over with much devastation, shock and death" on Oct. 13, 2017.
But even before May 13, he said a major "false flag," or attacks carried out to spark conflicts based on false information, will take place that "will be very, very devastating."
He said this will also involve Syria and North Korea.
Predictions of this sort are nothing new, however. They have come and gone with no harm done, except on the bruised reputation of the doomsayers.
Many of the predictions have mentioned Trump, with some even saying that the name of the U.S. president was specifically mentioned in the New Testament prophecies about the end times. They speculate that new U.S. president is "the last trump" mentioned in the Bible."