Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mountain of God Series: Eden on the Mountain

"Eden was not just the “garden” but the whole “mountain” of God, as we read in Genesis 2:8, that God planted a garden eastward in Eden. That shows us that the garden was IN EDEN, on the east side. How can we know that Eden was a mountain? Because out of Eden flowed a great river, and that river first watered the garden and then parted into four great rivers which watered the whole earth. (Gen. 2:10) Rivers flow down from mountains.

It was upon this mountain, on the east side, within the garden specially prepared for them, that Adam and Eve lived prior to sin. Here, every evening, in the cool of the day, God Himself would come and communicate with Adam and Eve. (Gen. 3:8)Adam was "the son of God" (Luke 3:38) to him was given the dominion of the earth. (Gen. 1:26,28)
But Adam lost this "dominion" when he sinned, and was driven from Eden.
This glorious mountain was in full view of the ancients living prior to the flood. Yet, because of their sin, they were not allowed inside....  -- they decided to build their own mountians to a creature god whom they had chose to serve; a being who wanted to be god, and who had also been dismissed from the glorious mountain of Eden. (That serpent, the dragon)."
Ulrike Unruh