Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lesson from Peter's Preaching to Cornelius

 "Peter, in his sermon to the household of Cornelius, said of our Lord that he “went around doing good, and healing all who were oppressed by the devil; for God was with him.” Acts 10:38.

This is exactly what had been said of Joseph. It is wonderful that the same words should describe both Jesus and Joseph, the perfect Savior and the imperfect patriarch.

When you and I are perfected in grace, we shall wear the image of Christ, and what will describe Christ will also describe us. Those who live with Jesus will be transformed by his fellowship until they become like him.

To my mind, it is very beautiful to see the resemblance between the firstborn and the rest of the family, between the great typical man, the Second Adam, and all those men who are quickened into his life, and are one with him."
Charles Spurgeon