Tuesday, May 16, 2017

IN the NEWS - Target Takes "Pride"

"For the second time, Target has launched an LGBT campaign called, #TakePride, aimed at
expressing support for the LGBT community.
According to One News Now, the retailer will now sell pro-LGBT merchandise as part of the campaign.
T-shirts that say "Love Conquers All," "Rainbows are Always in Style" and "I Love My Dads," sell for $12.99 to $14.99 each.
Earlier this year, Target's stock value dipped nearly 30 percent after it sparked a consumer boycott by embracing the transgender agenda.
Since April of last year, American Family Association called for a boycott of Target stores after the chain announced that it would allow men to use the women's restrooms and fitting rooms in their stores.
AFA has announced that 1.5 million signatures have been collected in its petition against the retailer.
"It just shows that Target is more into social engineering than they are into selling clothes and tennis shoes—which is a travesty—and it's honestly hurting Target's bottom line," said Walker Wildmon, who serves as AFA's assistant president.
"Target lets you know where they stand by where they spend their money—their corporate money—and which agendas they promote," he said.
Target responded to the backlash by announcing that it would add private, single-stall lockable bathrooms in its stores, apart from the male and female bathrooms." CBNnews
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5