Wednesday, May 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - Gender Bending your child craze

Below an article by PJ Media pretty much nails the problem of this gender bending of children by their seems every week there is another story of another parent so degenerate as to drag their child out into the media to pimp them for 15 minutes of fame & sympathy....
"There are only two reasons to do this to a child.
The first is grooming for pedophilia.
The second is because queer children are the new status symbol in America.
Selfish and bored women who want extra attention can now get it by transitioning their child at the age of two or three and forcing
everyone around them to deny reality and call Jane "Joe" and build new bathrooms at school and hold conferences where they are the center of attention. A long time ago I remember that mothers would sometimes get caught making their children sick by feeding them Drano and other poisonous things for attention.
They called this Munchausen syndrome by proxy and every few years some unhinged whacko would make the news for almost killing their child. In 2017 Munchausen by proxy has taken on new life. Desperate for attention and affirmation, mentally unstable women (with the help of the medical community) are putting their children on hormones (that can sterilize them!) to transition them into the opposite sex—or painting their boys like 20-year-old hookers." PJMedia
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,...
2 Timothy 3:6