Wednesday, May 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - Freedom Ripples across Fruited Plains at Agriculture Dept.

Wow....the Obama regime actually tried to tell a business owner what reading material he could place in his own break room....(hint, dealt with Marriage/Religion)..if it's in the break room, no one is forcing you to pick it up and read it...why is the political left so intolerant of freedom?'s a good thing to see religious FREEDOM coming back after 8 years of assault.

"A week after President Donald Trump signed an executive order defending religious liberty, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue issued a new policy statement to reestablish the "Department's
commitment to safeguarding every American's First Amendment rights, particularly the right to free speech and the right to free religious exercise."
"I expect each and every USDA employee to uphold their fellow Americans' First Amendment freedoms," states Perdue, the first cabinet secretary to issue his own policy statement in support of religious freedom since Trump's executive order.
"Under the last administration, the commitment to religious freedom was sorely lacking, and often undermined by regulations and guidelines across much of the government, including the USDA," Perkins said, referring to the Vander Boon family, who own a Michigan meat packing facility and were warned by the USDA 18 months ago that their business would be shut down if they placed religious material concerning marriage in the breakroom of the business.
However, Trump's executive order "made the important clarification of current laws that religious freedoms extend to the public square, not just one's place of worship," Perkins noted. "The order is now beginning to make its way through the Department of Agriculture and all the federal government agencies." CP
 ....and let men say among the nations,
The LORD reigneth.
1 Chronicles 16:31