Thursday, May 4, 2017

IN the NEWS - Cult of Mary Going Pentecostal for Pentecost

How is it that you fail to understand that I did not speak about bread? Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
 Then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.  Matthew 11:11-12

"According to the Catholic webzine CruxNow, Pope Francis has invited thousands of Catholic charismatics and members of Pentecostal and Evangelical churches to Rome to celebrate Pentecost and mark the 50th anniversary of what became the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.”

The actual 50th anniversary of Catholic charismania was back in February 2017. It was half a century ago that participants at a Catholic retreat at Duquesne University of Pittsburgh claimed to have experienced the “baptism of the Holy Spirit.”  Just as with the evangelical movement – it having started at the turn of the 19th century  – the movement rapidly gained traction among Roman

The pope will lead a prayer vigil June 3, the eve of Pentecost, at Rome’s Circus Maximus, an open field that was the site of an ancient Roman stadium used for chariot races. Participants will join the pope the next morning for Pentecost Mass in St. Peter’s Square.” CRUX

Not content to merely blaspheme God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit by its diabolical, anti-Gospel teachings from its gilded basilica-bound throne, Rome’s  2017 Pentecost celebration will find Francis and the church also blaspheming on the very ground where some two millennia ago authentic believers were slaughtered for their faith in the genuine Gospel.  This year Circus Maximus will be ground zero for a different sort of “circus” – one in which Rome celebrates its “birthday” as “the” church." Pulpit&Pen