Thursday, May 18, 2017

Door of the Ark

Come thou, and all thy house, into the Ark.
Genesis 7:1

"No need to repeat the story! We knew it all at six years old. Today the words, are sent to you, 'Come thou!'

We are either inside or outside the Ark. There is no halfway (Deuteronomy 30:15-19) in this.
Outside is death,
inside is life.
Outside is certain, inevitable, utter destruction.
Inside is certain and complete safety.
Where are you at this moment?

'Come thou into the ark!' It is one of the devices of the destroyer to delude you into fancying that no very decided step is necessary. He is very fond of the word 'gradually.'

You might have been 'gradually' approaching the Ark, and 'gradually' making up your mind to enter; but unless you took the one step into the Ark, the one step from outside to inside, what would have been your fate when the door was shut? (Genesis 7:21-22) 'Come thou into the Ark!' I want the call to haunt you, to ring in your ears all day and all night, till you come.

Any moment the door may be shut for you.
And then, as the tree falleth, so it lieth.
As death finds you,
so the judgment will find you.

But 'come thou into the Ark!' Jesus is the Ark.

He who brings the flood has provided the Ark.
And the door is open.
It will be shut some day-it may be shut to-morrow.
Whose fault is it if you do not enter in and be saved?

Noah did not put it off. He and his family entered (John 10:9) the self-same day into the Ark."
Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879)