Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Creation Moment 5/25/2017 - Evolutionists afraid of being challenged in a high school classroom

"An article was printed in a May 12, 2017 issue of Scientific American, titled “Revamped ‘Anti-Science’ Education Bills in U.S. Find Success: Legislation urges educators to ‘teach the controversy’ and allows citizens to challenge curricula.”  The article attempted to argue against bills designed to
protect the academic freedom of teachers.

The article reviewed the various State and local legislatures attempts to deal with censorship problems in public schools. So far two states have approved legislation this year allowing “teachers to embrace ‘academic freedom’ and present the full spectrum of views on evolution and climate change.” Called academic freedom bills, so far three have become law in the past: in Mississippi in 2006, Louisiana in 2008 and Tennessee in 2012. At least eleven similar bills have been proposed this year in the United States.

One, the Florida legislation, is much broader. It enables residents to file complaints about the curriculum against the schools in their district. The complaint could lead to a public hearing to determine if the material at issue is “accurate, balanced, non-inflammatory, current … and suited to students’ needs.” Obviously, these categories are all somewhat vague, but at least will trigger some discussion and needed parental involvement in the government schools.

The NCSE, Florida teachers’ organizations and some local school boards have requested that Governor Rick Scott veto the bill.  The bill’s opponents admit that a veto doesn’t seem likely, given Scott’s beliefs. Branch calls this bill, which is designed to stop censorship of evidence against Darwinism, the “back-door approach to altering science education by means of broader academic censorship.” How it will cause censorship, he does not say. Branch opines that these bills now seem more likely to pass this year “due to renewed anti-evolution and anti-climate change sentiment; confidence that a country led by U.S. President Donald Trump …. is more hospitable to such views.”
 I have somewhat to say unto thee.
2 Kings 2:14