Friday, April 28, 2017

SDA Issues - Like the Knocks on Lot's Door

"LGBT movement in Seventh-day Adventism is gaining momentum and the voices in support are becoming louder and louder as the knocks on Lot’s door became....

LGBT-pandering—but a response to the most recent incident of a SDA “pastor,” Alicia Johnston coming out as bi-sexual,  which was followed by her resignation.  However, the response was not what it should have been in the sight of God, according to His Words; it was one of conciliation, support and commendation for Ms. Johnston.

The Arizona Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists issued a statement, addressed to Arizona pastors, executive committee members and staff.  A portion of the letter reads as follows: “Alicia Johnston, pastor of the Foothills Church in Chandler, Arizona, has made public her decision to come out in support of the LGBTQ community with her own personal announcement that she is bi-sexual. During our dialogue with Alicia, we greatly appreciate her honesty and sincerity in sharing her views. Alicia is a gifted theologian and pastor-and we appreciate and respect her many talents.  Because of her personal convictions, and after conversation with conference leadership, Alicia has chosen to leave her church pastorate and the umbrella of the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.” The letter closes thus, “It is our sincere hope and prayer that Alicia will continue to seek God’s will in her personal life and ministry.
Along with the great appreciation expressed in the letter, it was also stated that Alicia Johnston is a gifted pastor and theologian.  Interestingly, Ms. Johnston in said “coming out” video stated that her theology has changed in order for her to reconcile her lifestyle with her beliefs and subsequently arrive at the conclusions that she has regarding the LGBT community and her
own bi-sexuality.  Commending Ms. Johnston as a gifted theologian is an acknowledgment of the same perverted theology that has led that Ms. Johnston down the path that she is on, which commences with an utter renunciation of the Biblical teaching that homosexuality is a sin and also fosters the belief that it is not possible through Christ for men and women to receive complete victory over every sin—both heredity and cultivated tendencies to evil that lead to transgression of God’s laws. 
Additionally it was stated  in the letter that “Alicia has chosen to leave her church pastorate and the umbrella of the Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.” This raises the important question as to whether or not she would have been retained as a “pastor” and employee of the Arizona Conference had she not chosen to resign, especially considering their view of Ms. Johnston as a “gifted pastor and theologian.”  
Furthermore, it was, perhaps conveniently, omitted what would happen with Alicia Johnston’s membership as a Seventh-day Adventist.  Would not her coming out as a bi-sexual warrant her being disfellowship? If yes, why was not this stated to the other pastors, executive committee members and staff of the Arizona Conference to whom this letter was addressed?  If not, that means that LGBT-identifying persons who are yet to “come out” or have  already done so, can remain in that immoral, abominable lifestyle and still have their names retained on the church membership list. And if they can be members, the next step is to have them as leaders.  There is currently a “transgender” person serving as an elder in a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The letter closes by offering blessings and well-wishes for Ms. Johnston’s continuance in ministry as she seeks God’s will.  Can God bless that which He has condemned in His Word? God forbid! God’s will is plainly stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and 4, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor.”
If Ms. Johnston persists in her “new theology” and her lifestyle, she will minister the same unto others, a perverted gospel." SavedToServe