Saturday, April 22, 2017

Papal Notes - "Deeply Moved" Imam

"Pope Francis met four British imams at the Vatican...
Pope Francis told the imams that listening to each other was essential for the common future of humanity as we walk together in our shared lives.
This is a historic moment when the two biggest religions in the world, Christians and Muslims, must come together in unity and solidarity for peace,” Moulana Muhammad Shahid Raza said.
Moulana Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi added: I was deeply moved by the audience with Pope Francis.
This is an important meeting offering hope for everyone, regardless of religion. There is a common
humanity to all of us. Some seek to divide people, religions, east versus west, but there is no east or west; there is just our common humanity as we seek a peaceful future for all based on justice and compassion.
..... and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3