Tuesday, April 18, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: YouTube Vision by 9-year old Rattles Babylon's Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some "YouTube visions by 9-year olds" rattling the Streets of Babylon...

"Did God give a 9-year-old boy a vision of the future of America? Recently, my wife pulled me aside and strongly urged me to watch part of an amazing video that she had found on YouTube. I was
quite tired at the time, but I agreed to watch it because I could tell from my wife's expression that she had found something special.
And without a doubt, what I am about to share with you does appear to be extraordinary. A grandmother known as "A Daughter of The Highest King" on YouTube came across a dry erase board that her 9-year-old grandson had been drawing on, and the things that he had been drawing were so unusual that she decided to ask him about them.
Well, it turns out that this little boy had been trying to draw a picture of things that were shown to him in a vision. When he received this vision, he was in bed, but he was not asleep at the time. He told his grandmother that in his vision he was standing in space and looking down at the earth, and it appears that he may have been shown things that are coming in the future.
When I started watching this little boy describe his vision, one thing immediately jumped out at me. He said that he saw a giant asteroid that appeared to be "flaming hot red" coming toward the earth.
As it got very close, he said that it appeared to break up into pieces and strike multiple locations, but according to him the main impact seems to have happened in the Atlantic Ocean.
When this little boy said that I was absolutely startled, because my wife and I have been collecting dreams and visions of a giant asteroid that is going to strike the Atlantic Ocean for many years.
In fact, my wife has collected more than 100 of these dreams and visions." Charisma