Monday, April 17, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Profanity Accompanied by the "Move of the Spirit"?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some on the Streets of Babylon who believe that a profanity linguistically laced pastor can be moved "of the Spirit" to dictate views of morality rather than Scripture...

"A profanity-speaking preacher who has lost hundreds in his congregation over his decision to allow open homosexuals to serve in leadership positions, and who says he “doesn’t care” what the Bible
has to say on the issue, is featured in a new online video that has received over a million views in less than a week.
Ryan Meeks is the founder of EastLake Community Church in Bothell, Washington, which identifies itself as “an inclusive Christian community where faith is less about a story to be believed as it is a life to be lived.”
In 2015, Meeks announced that he believed a “move of the Spirit” caused him to rethink how he had handled the issue of homosexuality. In the April 8th video released by Upworthy, Meeks—amid clips of profanity usage—noted that he used to shy away from the topic.
When it came to the conversation around the LGBT community and church policy, or what does the Bible say about homosexuality, I always felt awkward about it. I didn’t want to bring it up,” he explained.

He outlined that when one of the members of the EastLake worship team came out as a lesbian and feared that she would consequently lose the right to serve, he questioned how he had come across to others. He decided that EastLake would therefore be “open and affirming” going forward.

I don’t care if the Bible says, ‘Gay people [crude language],'” he declared. “The Bible is pro-slavery, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. It doesn’t have a very great view of women leading and teaching. I have lots of things I disagree with about the Bible.”
We’ve decided [the Bible] fell from the sky and now we’ve got to [use] it like a manual for how to run the Earth, how to legislate morality. And that’s not what it is,” Meeks asserted. “If we need to consult an ancient book to know what to do when a human being is in front of us, I think we’re [crude language] already.”

The video has received mixed response from its over one million viewers."