Monday, April 24, 2017

IN the NEWS - NUT goes nuts in Britain

"The National Union of Teachers (NUT) has passed a motion calling on its members to teach nursery children about same-sex relationships and transsexualism.
The motion was passed by delegates at the NUT's annual conference in Cardiff, which took place
over the Easter weekend.
Christian Concern's Chief Executive Andrea Williams warned that this would create unnecessary confusion amongst very young and vulnerable children.

Calls for Compulsory LGBT Education

Earlier this year, Education Secretary Justine Greening tabled an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill, which would make "age-appropriate" sex and relationships education (SRE) compulsory for primary and secondary school children. Parliament has approved the bill and it awaits Royal Assent.
Andrea Williams has said that teaching SRE to young children would be "devastating" and risks "robbing them of their innocence."
But the NUT has gone further and said that 'LGBT+ education' should be an "essential" part of the SRE curriculum.
"It is high time that PSHE and SRE—including LGBT+ education—is recognized as an essential part of the school curriculum," Kevin Courtney, the NUT's General Secretary, commented.