Saturday, April 22, 2017

IN the NEWS - EarthDay & Mercy? Huh?

"A coincidence of calendars this weekend presents for Catholics an uncommon occurrence, where Earth Day precedes Divine Mercy Sunday, an alignment of dates that has inspired some to use it as an occasion to live out Pope Francis' recent message on mercy toward God's creation.

They are calling it Mercy2Earth Weekend, a creation of the Global Catholic Climate Movement. During the two days (April 22-23), the international coalition of 300-plus eco-conscious Catholic organizations is inviting Catholics worldwide to use the weekend as a time to perform 500 acts of mercy for the Earth, be it cutting back on electricity use, calculating a carbon footprint or educating others on their faith connections to environmental stewardship.
The effort also hopes to re-amplify the pope's Sept. 1, 2016, message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, in which he proposed elevating "care for our common home" to both a spiritual and corporal work of mercy." NCR

*We've been saying the mark of the beast (counterfeit Sabbath) will be tinged GREEN. One can see how, in the above article, that Christendom & non Christians can be united during a time of natural disasters to bring the world together via eco-spiritualism.
.....saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast,..
Revelation 13:14