Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Creation Moment 4/12/2017 - M4 Star Cluster

"......   an extra-solar planet in the distant M4 star cluster.    Like essentially all the extra-solar planets that have been discovered to date, the detection of this planet goes against evolutionary predictions, but is consistent with the Bible.
This planet is unique (so far) for two reasons.
It is the first planet to be discovered in a globular cluster.
Second, it is the only planet currently known to orbit a binary star system. That is, the planet orbits two stars (which orbit each other) rather than one. Moreover, these are not ‘ordinary’ stars; one is a white dwarf, the other is a pulsar. This strange planetary system came as quite a surprise to secular astronomers.
Secular astronomers assume that our solar system is not a special creation, but is the result of the
collapse of a nebula. They had expected that planetary systems around other stars would resemble our solar system (since they are formed in the same way, according to evolutionary thinking). But the stellar systems discovered so far have been very different from our own.   
This recent discovery is perhaps the strangest planetary system discovered so far. However, creationists are delighted by such remarkable diversity; this is not a problem for a creative Designer.
The planet has a mass two to three times that of Jupiter and is not directly visible. It was discovered by the slight gravitational ‘tug’ it exerts on the pulsar; this produces a slight change in the pulsar’s radio signals which we detect on earth. This is an indirect detection method, but it is valid operational science-so creationists have no problem with this.
Many reports claim that this is the oldest planet to be discovered-with an age of 12.7 billion years. However, the planet’s alleged age is not based on any evidence whatsoever; it is based only on evolutionary assumptions. Secular astronomers assume that the planet formed with the star-which their models assume to be 12.7 billion years old. (Recall that this planet cannot even be seen, let alone age-dated.)
This latest discovery presents a great challenge for those who hold to naturalistic models of origins. Most secular astronomers had thought that planets would not be found in globular clusters.  
Globular star clusters consist of ‘Population II stars.’ These stars are ‘metal-poor’; they have only a meager supply of elements heavier than helium (astronomers call these heavy elements ‘metals’) compared to stars like the sun. In the evolutionary scenario, these metals are the initial building blocks for planets. Secular astronomers had thought that planets would be unlikely to form in globular clusters because of the low metal content.
So, the latest find is forcing the evolutionary astronomers to revise their models. Whenever secular scientists are forced to alter their models in light of new evidence, it reminds us of the tentative nature of evolutionary speculations-and of the unchanging, inerrant Word of God. This fascinating stellar system challenges evolutionary thinking, and demonstrates God’s creativity." CMI
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3