Friday, March 10, 2017

The "Really' File - (CNN)

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God,
he abandoned them to their foolish thinking
and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:28 NLT

Below is a story about both what a Hindu sect does and what a CNN reporter does for his 15 minutes of fame (shame). This is the state of our media as well as what happens in pagan religions that have tossed aside the truth of God. How depraved the world is, even in the "enlightened" 21st century.

"CNN host Reza Aslan, a Muslim, is sparking outrage after eating part of a human
brain during a televised meeting with a cannibalistic extreme Hindu sect called the Aghori.
The meeting was part of his television series “Believer,” which is said to feature the “world’s most fascinating faith-based groups.”
The Aghori, while identifying as worshipers of Shiva, the Hindu 
From the "Really" File
god of destruction, are condemned by mainstream Hindus for their practices, which includes drinking out of human skulls and eating the flesh of the dead. They also wear the ashes of cremated humans on their faces and consume their own urine and excrement.." ChristianNetworkNews