Sunday, March 5, 2017

The "Really" File - (Beer Fast for Lent?)

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Matthew 15:9
A FAST of BEER for Lent? Really?....See, this is what happens when you follow the commandments of men, like Lent. They had to fast because of a man-made rule/tradition. As a result they turned to beer. Unbelievable....

"Some of us may seek to give up alcohol for Lent. But back in the 1600s, a certain group of Catholic monks took it up in a big way during this season of fasting, by shunning solids and relying instead on 'liquid bread': otherwise known as beer.

In the 17th century, Paulaner monks moved from Southern Italy to the Cloister Neudeck ob der Au in Bavaria, the Catholic News Agency explains.

'Being a strict order, they were not allowed to consume solid food during Lent,' the current beer sommelier of Paulaner Brewery, Martin Zuber explained in a video on the company's website.
Needing something other than water to sustain thesmelves, the monks concocted an 'unusually strong' doppelbock brew of beer, full of carbohydrates and nutrients, because 'liquid bread wouldn't 
From the "Really" File
break the fast
,' Zuber said.

The monks eventually sold the brew in the community and it was an original product of Paulaner brewery, founded in 1634.

Paulaner now produces beer for 70 countries and is one of the bigger breweries featured at Munich's Octoberfest."