Tuesday, March 14, 2017

That Golden Word

Yea, He is altogether lovely.
  Song of Solomon 5:16
"The superlative beauty of Jesus is all-attracting;
it is not so much to be admired as to be loved.
He is lovely.
Surely the people of God can fully justify the use of this golden word, for He is the object of their warmest love.
Ye worshippers of Immanuel, look up to His head of much fine gold, and tell me, are not His thoughts precious unto you?
Is not your adoration sweetened with affection as ye humbly bow before that countenance which is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars?
Is there one member of His glorious body which is not attractive?-one portion of His person which is not a fresh loadstone to our souls?-one office which is not a strong cord to bind your heart?
His whole life we would imitate;
His whole character we would transcribe. 
He is nothing but loveliness.
All earthly suns have their spots: the fair world itself hath its wilderness; but Christ Jesus is
*gold without alloy-
*light without darkness-
*glory without cloud-"Yea, He is altogether lovely."
Charles Spurgeon