Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sufficed like Ruth

And she did eat, and was sufficed, and left.
Ruth 2:14

"WHENEVER we are privileged to eat
of the bread which Jesus gives,
we are, like Ruth, satisfied with the full and sweet repast.

When Jesus is the host no guest goes empty from the table.
Our head is satisfied with the precious truth which Christ reveals;
our heart is content with Jesus...
our hope is satisfied...

Jesus fills our conscience till it is at perfect peace;
our judgment with persuasion of the certainty of His teachings;
our memory with recollections of what He has done,
and our imagination with the prospects of what He is yet to do.

As Ruth was "sufficed, and left," so is it with us.
We have had deep draughts;

There are certain sweet things in the Word of God which we have not enjoyed yet, and which we are obliged to leave for awhile;..At every banquet of love there are many baskets of fragments left. Let us magnify the liberality of our glorious Boaz."
Charles Spurgeon