Sunday, March 12, 2017

SDA Issues - Pippenger Dis- fellowshipped

This is about why Jeff Pippenger was dis-fellowshipped. - his errors he brought in, which has caught on like wildfire on the internet dividing the Church.

*"The idea that a “2520 year prophecy” exists in Leviticus 26 has also been promoted by Jeff Pippenger supporters as part of a Latter Rain, Present Truth, Life or Death Message from God.
...January 26, 1864, in his official capacity as Review editor, James White published a Review article that revealed (through his use of the third person plural, “We”) the official position of the newly
organized Seventh-day Adventist Church about “the 2520 theory.” Is there any prophetic period brought to view at all in Leviticus xxvi? We claim that there is not, James White wrote.
*The idea that probation closes early for the Seventh-day Adventist Church at the commencement of the Sunday Law has been promoted by Jeff Pippenger supporters as part of a Latter Rain, Present Truth, Life or Death Message from God. This teaching is not clearly taught in the Bible or SOP. Yes, “judgment begins at the house of God” (1 Pet. 4:17), and yes, Daniel 11:40-45 portrays events leading to the close of probation, but we see only one general “close of probation” in Scripture (see Daniel 12:1; Rev. 7:1-3; 22:11) taking place at one solemn moment after (not when) the mark of the beast is enforced, and only after every soul, including Seventh-day Adventists, have faced this “test” and made a settled decision.
*The pioneer view of “the daily” (Dan. 8:12) has been promoted by Jeff Pippenger supporters as part of a Latter Rain, Present Truth, Life or Death Message from God.
Ellen White wrote:
Confusion has resulted, and the minds of some of our brethren have been diverted from the thoughtful consideration that should have been given to the work that the Lord has directed should be done at this time in our cities. This has been pleasing to the great enemy of our work. 1 SM 167
I saw that if God’s people in Wisconsin would prosper, they must take a decided position in regard to these things, and thereby cut off the influence of those who are causing distraction and division by teaching sentiments contrary to the body. Such are wandering stars. They seem to
emit a little light; they profess and carry along a little truth, and thus deceive the inexperienced. Satan endows them with his spirit, but God is not with them; His Spirit does not dwell in them. Jesus prayed that His disciples might be one, as He is one with the Father, “that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.” The oneness and unity of God’s truth-believing remnant people carries powerful conviction to the world that they have the truth, and are the peculiar, chosen people of God. This oneness and unity disconcerts the enemy, and he is determined that it shall not exist. The present truth, believed in the heart and exemplified in the life, makes God’s people one, and gives them a powerful influence. 1T 326, 327" WeAffirmSDA

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly,

comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
1 Thessalonians 5:14