Saturday, March 25, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Herzog's Portals Nonsense

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
 Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some on the Streets of Babylon who think God is opening "heavenly portals" in certain American cities....uhmm...

"Best-selling author and television host Dr. David Herzog has written a new word for Elijah List in which he says he saw heavenly portals being created in different cities that God will interconnect in
a network of supernatural highways through which favor, provision, mantles and glory will flow for a coming revival.
He wrote:
These cities, which are being linked by a supernatural highway, will create a net across the nation for the harvest. Like a lightning bolt, it will strike, causing a fast connection between the portals. Ministers from glory portals in other cities will minister in each other's open heaven portal city, bringing something new from Heaven.
Many "suddenly" doors will open where you will participate or minister in these portals, as the glory over them gets brighter and brighter and spills over into harvest. You might just get transported to different cities—like Phillip!
Herzog listed a number of cities where he said these portals are opening up:
  • San Diego,
  • Santa Maria, California,
  • Sedona, Arizona,
  • Phoenix,
  • Las Vegas,
  • Spokane, Washington,
  • Kona, Hawaii,
  • Hilo, Hawaii,
  • Houston,
  • a city near Dallas,
  • Charlotte,
  • Atlanta,
  • Rochester, New York and
  • Washington, D.C.
He said other cities will be included as well. He said these portals will be connected internationally as well. Noting that God promised to open the heavens when we honor His appointed times and seasons, he said the intersections of geographical and seasonal portals will lead to "amazing things" happening."