Thursday, March 9, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: "Esther" fast

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be an "Esther Fast" on the Streets of Babylon...

"Revivalist Lou Engle, co-founder of The Call, issued a call for fasting and prayer on behalf of our country....... "There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens," he wrote. "Great revolutions, either good or evil, spring up in the vacuum created by these openings. In such divine moments, key men, women and entire generations risk everything to become the hinge of
history—the 'pivot point' that determines which way the door will swing."
Noting the connection between present-day events and those recorded in the Book of Esther, Engle wrote that we now face a "cataclysmic battle for the soul of our nation," and that Christians can no longer "live the same way we lived yesterday." And so, like Esther, he's calling on us to fast and pray March 8-11.

Recently, two women contacted me and asked me to use my influence to call for a three-day Esther Fast to answer this challenge. Immediately after, I experienced a life-changing dream where I saw a nation-wide Esther movement arising that alone could break a major spiritual power of death.
I knew then that I was to take my place as a Mordecai and call not only "Esther and her handmaidens" but the whole nation, to fast and pray for three days leading up to Purim. The Jewish holiday Purim celebrates God's deliverance of the Jews through Esther's fasting, sacrifice and courage. This year, Purim begins on Saturday evening, March 11th.
Therefore, we are seizing this sudden moment for a three-day Esther Fast from sundown on Wednesday, March 8th through the evening of Saturday, March 11th..." Charisma