Friday, March 24, 2017

IN the NEWS - Katy Perry Mocks Christianity

"Pop star Katheryn Hudson, who goes by the stage name Katy Perry, mocked her Christian
upbringing on Saturday as she received an award from a prominent homosexual advocacy organization.
Hudson, the daughter of evangelical minister Keith Hudson and former CCM artist, pointed to her 2008 hit song “I Kissed a Girl” as she told those gathered at the Human Rights Campaign’s gala that “I did more than that,” generating cheers and applause.
“[H]ow was I going to reconcile that with the gospel-singing girl raised in youth groups that were pro-conversion camps?” she asked. “What I did know was I was curious, and even then I knew sexuality was not as black and white as this dress.”
When I was growing up, homosexuality was synonymous with the word abomination and Hell, a place of gnashing of teeth, continuing burning of skin, and probably Mike Pence’s ultimate guest list for a barbeque,” Hudson jeered. “No way. I wanted the pearly gates and the unlimited froyo toppings, so most of my unconscious adolescence, I prayed the gay away at my Jesus camps.”
She said that when she broke into the secular music industry, it took her out of the Christian “bubble” and she met those who identified as homosexual. Hudson praised them as being “magic” for “living their truth.”
They stimulated my mind, and they filled my heart with joy, and they [expletive] danced with joy while doing it. These people are actually magic, and they are magic because they are living their truth,” she said.
Hudson said that the experience began her evolution.
What a revelation—and not the last chapter of the Bible,” she declared, generating laughter. “I hope I stand here as evidence for all that no matter where you came from, it’s about where you are going.”
----Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,...
1 Corinthians 6:9